The experienced and talented executive team of O.R. Gafri Holdings identifies and evaluates potential opportunities for its clients, closely assisting them in developing and focusing on their business strategy.
Technology Evaluation
Our very experienced and talented personnel identify unique technologies and investigate the market need for such technologies. Having the knowledge of a technology on one hand, and the understanding of the market on the other hand, the team evaluates the technology (advantages, barriers, time to product, etc.)
Market assessment
Based on years of experience, the team thoroughly assesses the client's target markets. Using our worldwide network, we then assist in addressing and penetrating these markets.
Strategic alliances
The aspiration of O.R. Gafri Holdings Ltd. is to help its client's business to grow. One very effective way is to form strategic alliances to pursue the client's company goals and/or to meet its critical business needs. The strategic alliance might have resources such as products, distribution channels, manufacturing capability, expertise, IP, etc.
Joint Ventures
Another business strategy is establishing a joint venture. Sometimes, in order to accelerate a company's activity, there is a need to build a new entity in cooperation with another company. The venture can be for one specific project only (i.e. joint R&D), or a continuing business relationship (i.e. Sales). In this case, our team helps in finding the cooperating company, and in setting the JV terms and agreements.